
Mini-Series: How to get a better fit for your soft structured carrier – Part 1

Last week I received a great question from one of my Facebook group members. She was wondering how to get a better fit for her 8-week-old baby in a soft structured carrier (carrier with buckles). After answering her question, I thought that getting a good fit in a soft structured carrier can often be tricky. But there are a few tips and tricks that can help to find a better fit for you and your baby.

Because this post ended up being quite long, I decided to turn it into a little mini-series. This first part is about how you can get a more comfortable fit for yourself and the second part will be about how to get a better fit for your baby.

If you have not joined my Facebook group yet, please head on over right away! This group is a safe space for everyone, no matter how much babywearing experience you may have! And we have lots of experienced parents in the group. It is a great place to ask questions about carriers or how to get a better fit for your current carrier.

On to some great tips and tricks now!

5 benefits of babywearing

I LOVE babywearing! This is a pretty strong statement. But it is true. I fell in love with babywearing even before my girl was born. I was shown how to use a stretchy wrap at my antenatal class. It was so soft and comfortable! I knew right away that I wanted to use it to carry my tiny baby. And the rest is history…

You are probably thinking: Well, great for her! She is writing a blog about babywearing. It would be weird if she didn’t like what she is talking about.

But here is the thing. Even though I love to carry my girl and I still do so occasionally (even though she now weighs more than 15kg) my babywearing days are nearly over (for now anyway). I still love babywearing. I love to see another mum or dad carrying their child when I’m out on a walk. I love to see pictures of my friends who wear their child, so they have their hands free for their other children. I love to hear from other parents how much babywearing is helping them. And I love to help YOU along your babywearing journey!

5 benefits for babywearing dads

I feel like I am incredibly lucky that I have a husband who has been onboard with babywearing right from the start! We were shown how to use a stretchy wrap at our antenatal class and used it both to carry our daughter. He then went on and carried her in a meh dai, a soft structured carrier and now an onbuhimo. Pretty awesome if you ask me!

But why was he so keen to carry our daughter in a carrier? Well, here are 5 reasons or benefits why babywearing is great for dads:

5 benefits of wearing a toddler or young child

I’ve been wearing my daughter since she was only a few weeks old and I just couldn’t imagine not wearing her anymore. But then she learned how to walk, and she got more and more confident and stronger too. And suddenly, she didn’t want to be carried anymore. For a long time, I thought that our babywearing days were well and truly over. However, something shifted again, and now walking is not so important anymore.

I certainly don’t wear her as often and as long as I used to when she was a baby, but there are still lots of opportunities for me to wear my little girl now that she is 3 ½ years old. And I can see quite a few benefits in doing so.